
Advertising with attracts millions of military service members and veterans. The site features today’s top military news stories, career advice, and job opportunities. Use this platform to drive traffic to your career pages, job ads, or hiring events – and become an employer of choice among the military community.

Talk to your Monster Representative to set up a media plan and have a look at the ad options, best practices and helpful articles below. You’ll soon be on your way to reaching top veteran talent.

For sponsorship opportunities, click Let’s Talk on our Veteran’s Solutions Page. Sponsorship Opportunities

Helpful Resources for Your Team

A federal contractor.
Learn how to present your content in a respectful way for your veteran audience.
Database manager working on computer with employee
Give your recruiters a leg up when it comes to matching their open jobs to a candidate's military experience and MOS.

Training for Veteran Hiring

A manager leads and internship program meeting.
We'll outline 6 tips to get you started.
Sign up to present your team with the approaches to attract, evaluate and communicate with this unique talent pool.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are a variety of recruitment advertising options. Our Advertise with article can show you all of the ways you can share your recruitment messages with the highly skilled veteran audience. Check out the types of advertising available by channel:

The Military Skills Translator helps veterans see how their skills and experience align with your job openings. also offers a Reverse Military Skills Translator to help employers see how their open jobs correspond to a candidate’s military background. To learn more, click here.

You could highlight a success story at your company, benefits that your Veteran or Reserve employees enjoy, or how you continue to support the military community. You can choose an image post, carousel post or a highly engaging video post (60 seconds or less). Check out our article on Promoted Social Media to learn more.

The focus of an advertorial is on the product or service being promoted and it is obvious that it is an advertisement in the form of an article.

To craft a sponsored content article, the service, product or brand should not be the primary focus. Those elements should be secondary to valuable information presented.

For example, a manufacturing company who is hiring could create an article about changes to the manufacturing industry, or tips for success in the field. Keeping the topics relevant, valuable, and of interest to the people you want to attract is the primary focus. Tie-in your messaging as a secondary element that supports and complements the content of the main article. Learn more about Sponsored Content with

Recruitment Advertising Solutions on is your best bet. Although Monster is unable to target Security Clearance specifically, is the largest veteran and military website outside of the Department of Defense. Everyone who leaves the military has some level of clearance, and with 10 million members and roughly 7 million unique visits per month, this is a great place to target candidates with security clearance.