
View Reports

Reporting can become an important tool when it comes to managing your resources and your team. The following guide will show you how to access and interpret your Administrative Reports.

Gaining Access

  1. Hover over the settings icon (gear) and then click on Usage Reports.
  2. On the next page you will see all of the reports available to you. The Administrative Reports are available only to Super Users and Administrators.
  3. Click on the name of the report you want to view

  • Access Different Reports Once you’ve opened a report, you can access them all from the Choose Report menu above your data. You can also pull data from all users or individuals with the Username menu. Click Run Report and the page will refresh.

Admin Active Jobs Dashboard

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This report pulls the active jobs at the time the report is run. It shows performance from the date the job ad was posted or renewed. You can choose to view active jobs by all users or individual user accounts.

The illustration on the shows the total responses you’ve received on your current active jobs:

Clicks account for custom clicks and any shared applies, apply with Monster, and other clicks within the job ad.

Email Applies is the percentage of clicks on an email address whether in the body of the job or contact information.

Online Applies account for all Monster standard applies.

The charts below show the top performing categories and locations for all responses. This data is an overview of the current active jobs performance and does not account for higher job ad volume in specific categories and locations.

  • Run this report to get a birds-eye view of your job performance. If responses are lower than expected within a specific category, make sure the job ad is written in a way that will appeal to your target candidates. If you’re seeing a decline in applies within a particular location, adjust your search location settings to cast a wider net.

Admin Response Report

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This report will pull all jobs that were posted or renewed within the selected timeframe. It will show all of the job details as well as the responses received during the life of the posting.

Scroll to the right of the screen to see all of the data – including the number of job views and responses by type.


Total Response: This is all response types added together.

Online Job Apps: The number of applies using the Monster apply online process (tracked at Thank You page).

Custom Apps: The number of clicks through your custom apply online link.

Email Apps: The number of clicks with the apply button on Monster, and the number of resumes sent via the Job Email Apply process.

Profile Clicks: The number of clicks that lead to your company profile and clicks of links that contain your company name.

Body Email Clicks: The number of clicks on email links inside the body of the job ad.

Other Clicks: The number of clicks on any links inside the job ad excluding email links.

  • View Recommendations If your report contains additional pages, you will see page numbers above your data. To download the information for easier viewing, click the save button and select from the dropdown menu.

Admin Job Inventory Usage

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This report will show the job ad details such as who posted the job, information selected during the posting process, and when it expires. You can select a date range for this report as well – just make sure to click Run Report after you make your selection. Scroll over to the right to see all of the information.


Job ID: Unique ID number for each job.

Posting Site: The site where the jobs are posted (Monster, Diversity, etc.).

Username: The username of the recruiter who posted the job.

First Posted: The date the job appeared on the site for the first time – this will remain the same for all renewals.

Date Active: The date the job was first active or renewed.

Date Expires: The date that the job expires.

Job Title: What the recruiter entered in the job title field.

Ad Location: The location where the job was posted (Country, State, City).

Ad Categories: The categories selected for this job.

Job Ref Code: The reference number field available on the job ad form.

Billable Actions: Indicates whether this instance of the job was new or renewed.

  • Review Your Job Inventory Often Seeing all the job ads you have up and running will give you a great overview of your recruiters’ activity. From this view, you will have the ability to:

    • Spot overlapping jobs to consolidate
    • Review categorization/job titles entered by your recruiters
    • Monitor the number of job ads each recruiter has on their plate.

Admin Resume View Report

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The first table summarizes all licenses information – giving a high-level overview of all actions taken. This includes total number of searches, the number of resumes saved to a folder, the number of emails sent to candidates and total resumes forwarded to your colleagues.

The table below shows the resume inventory that has been purchased and used by each user. This information is broken down by views per month based on the timeframe your enter before running the search.


Company: Name of company that has the license.

Total Searches: Total number of searches that are conducted (i.e. Power Resume Search or Classic).

Total Saves: Number of resumes that the users save to a folder.

Total Emails: Number of letters that are sent to seekers from resumes that are viewed.

Total Forwards: Number of resumes that are forwarded to another recruiter.

Resume Product: The type of resume license that was purchased.

Username: The recruiter who has performed the actions with the resume license.

Recruiter Full Name: The name of the recruiter who has performed the actions with the resume license.

License Start Date: The start date when the license became active and available for use.

License End Date: The date the license ends and will no longer be available.

Views Purchased: The amount of inventory the company has purchased (starting inventory).

Views Remaining: The amount of inventory that remains.

Monthly Consumption: Total views/units of inventory that have been consumed by month.

  • Monitor Your Resume Views Each recruiter has their own process when it comes to viewing resumes, and this report will show you who is making good use of the inventory available to them. You can also use this information to determine if you need to adjust your inventory based on your budget and anticipated future hiring needs.

Additional User Reports

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User reports are available to all users. Just note that the User Reports under Job Reports and Resume Reports are not available to Hiring Managers. Summaries for these reports are provided below.

User Active Jobs Dashboard: Contains your total number of jobs that were posted for the month, number of active postings, and the average views, emails, and responses per job.

User Response Report: The report contains the information that was entered in the different fields of the job posting such as location, job title, career level, enhancements added, and posted date for all of your jobs during the time period selected.

User Job Inventory Usage: See how many jobs(as well as title and location) were posted during a specified timeframe and how long they were posted for.

User Resume View Report: View the number of resumes searches you performed each month.

EEO/AA Applicant Summary Report: This report will provide EEO/AA information for seekers that have applied to a job through Monster.

Online Purchase Report: See any inventory that has been purchased and by who.