How to Conduct an Interview

Learn how to conduct an interview, including sample interview questions, how to follow up with candidates, and industry-specific interviewing tips.

Featured How to Conduct an Interview Guides

A team conducts a peer interview.
The Value of Peer-to-Peer Interviewing for Hiring and Retention
These peer interview tips can help you find the right candidates, making your team and company more successful.
Two engineers working together on a problem.
How to Close the Job Skills Gap With Your Hiring Process
These five steps can help you close the job skills gap at your organization so you have the right team in place to be successful.
A hiring manager using tips for how to interview someone.
How to Conduct an Interview: 7 Tips
Knowing how to interview someone can improve your chances of creating positive candidate experiences and selecting top performers.
A hiring manager interviews a legal associate.
How to Prepare for a Job Interview: Tips for Interviewers
It’s not just the applicant who needs to worry about how to prepare for a job interview. Employers need to implement interviewing best practices.
A hiring manager interviews a chief marketing officer candidate.
Chief Marketing Officer Interview Questions to Ask
Use these chief marketing officer interview questions to find a CMO for your organization who can shape and lead your marketing efforts.
A retail store associate helps a customer.
Retail Interview Questions to Ask
Add another stellar employee to your team with these retail interview questions that will help you make better-informed hiring decisions.

All How to Conduct an Interview Guides

Interview Questions to Get to Know a Candidate

The right interview questions can benefit you and the candidate – resulting in a more engaging and informative interview.

Interview Tips for Hiring In Demand Skills

The interview questions you ask in-demand candidates may make or break their decision to sign on with your firm.

Interview Training for Your Staff: Tips and Resources
Interview training for managers is necessary to hire the right people for your company. Here are the steps to take and the resources to help along the way.
Start your Succession Planning in the Interview

In the next interview, as you search for your next superstar, keep in mind the end goal — succession planning.

7 Stay Interview Questions to Ask Your Employees
Before employees leave, ask these insightful stay interview questions to increase retention, employee morale, and company performance.
Interview Tips For Hiring Military Veterans
Hiring military veterans could be a gamechanger for your company -- if you do it right. Here are key tips to help you find the right veteran for the job.
Icebreaker Questions for Interviews
When you use icebreaker questions for interviews, at least at the beginning, you improve the mood and allow interviewees to really open up.
10 Great Interview Questions to Ask Candidates
These 10 great interview questions will help you dig beneath the surface of the resume and discover whether a candidate is the right fit for your company.

Need some help recruiting for a small business?

Medical Assistant Interview Questions to Ask
These medical assistant interview questions will help you assess a candidate's hard and soft skills to find someone who is the right fit.
Sample interview questions when hiring candidates for the most popular jobs
Get the best people for the most popular jobs. Check out Monster Hiring Solutions for the best of the best.
Administrative Support Interview Questions to Ask
Ask these administrative support interview questions to simplify your hiring process and help you find the great-fit candidate you need.
22 Unique Interview Questions to Ask Candidates
Unique interview questions—and techniques—are keys to successful hiring. Monster Hiring Solutions has those keys with expert recruiting advice and the latest hiring trends.
Graphic Designer Interview Questions to Ask
These graphic design interview questions will help you hire a great-fit graphic designer for your team and brand.
Medical Billing Specialist Interview Questions to Ask
These medical billing specialist interview questions will help you make the most of the interview and find the right hire quickly.
How to Interview: Project Manager

Learn how to interview and hire the best project managers – candidates who know how to keep projects rolling along.

Get More Out of Your Interview With Behavioral Questions
Simply asking about skills and experience isn't enough. Behavioral questions will help you learn how they work and whether they're a good fit.