How to Conduct an Interview

Learn how to conduct an interview, including sample interview questions, how to follow up with candidates, and industry-specific interviewing tips.

Featured How to Conduct an Interview Guides

A team conducts a peer interview.
The Value of Peer-to-Peer Interviewing for Hiring and Retention
These peer interview tips can help you find the right candidates, making your team and company more successful.
Interview Training for Your Staff: Tips and Resources
Interview training for managers is necessary to hire the right people for your company. Here are the steps to take and the resources to help along the way.
A recruiter asks a candidate different types of interview questions.
The Best Types of Interview Questions to Ask Job Candidates
Ask these types of interview questions to learn more about job candidates and make informed hiring decisions.
A hiring manager asks leadership interview questions.
Innovative Interview Techniques for Employers
These innovative interview techniques will help you find a right-fit candidate who will make your team more successful.
A hiring manager interviews a chief marketing officer candidate.
22 Unique Interview Questions to Ask Candidates
Unique interview questions—and techniques—are keys to successful hiring. Monster Hiring Solutions has those keys with expert recruiting advice and the latest hiring trends.
A hiring manager asks leadership interview questions.
17 Leadership Interview Questions
These 17 leadership interview questions will help you find candidates with the integrity, motivation, and team-building skills you need.

All How to Conduct an Interview Guides

How to Reduce Interview Stress for Employers
Interview stress happens for employers too. Here’s how to reduce stress so you make the most out of every interview.
Your Next Leader Could Be Sitting Across the Table in the Interview

These interview questions can help reveal if the candidate has the traits your company will need in your next leader.

Rethink Behavioral Interviews: Move from Questions to Answers

Get better results from your behavioral interviews. Instead of your questions, focus on the answers you want to hear.

How to Ask Problem Solving Interview Questions
Asking problem solving interview questions, including behavioral and case-based questions, will help you assess a candidate's ability to think.
Construction Worker Interview Questions
These construction worker interview questions will help you hire a construction worker who will be an asset to your team.
Manufacturing Worker Interview Questions
Ask the right manufacturing worker interview questions to pinpoint applicants with the potential to increase production and profits.
17 Leadership Interview Questions
These 17 leadership interview questions will help you find candidates with the integrity, motivation, and team-building skills you need.
The Top Ten Interview Questions to Ask Millennials

Your interview questions for Gen Y job applicants should give them a chance to shine. Mix and match these ten job interview questions to find the right Millennial for your next job opening.

Need some help recruiting for a small business?

Use Behavioral Interviews to Build Team Diversity

Hiring recruits who mirror your current culture can be limiting. Behavioral interviews can help build team diversity.

How to Interview Candidates for Passion and Cultural Fit

Learn to conduct an interview to assess if the candidate will fit your company culture and has the passion of a top performer.

Receptionist Interview Questions
These 22 receptionist interview questions can help you find the right person to greet visitors and represent your values.
To Hire the Best, Professionalize your Interviewing

Busy small business owners can dramatically improve their interview process with these simple steps.

5 Tips for the Off-Site Interview Set Up
An off-site interview is just as important as an on-site one. Here's how to determine your interview set up for off-site interviews.
Physical Therapist Interview Questions to Ask
When competition is high, it's important to craft effective physical therapist interview questions that assess attitude and fit.
How to use exit interviews to reduce employee turnover
When used properly, an exit interview can provide your managers with a wealth of information and lead to better employee engagement. Learn more about exit interviews, and recruiting and retention strategies at
How to Use Stay Interviews to Improve Retention
Here’s exactly how to use stay interviews, which are conducted with current employees, to strengthen your company culture and keep top talent.