Employee Performance Evaluation & Management

Topics include: performance management, employee terminations and more.

Featured Employee Performance Evaluation & Management Guides

Strategies for Mentoring Programs in the Workplace
Studies show that mentoring programs in the workplace bring huge benefits for mentor and mentees alike. Starting one doesn't have to be a daunting task -- learn about this and more Monster Hiring Solutions.
An employee uses the paid sick leave policy.
The Best Ways to Measure and Track Employee Absenteeism
Learn how tracking, measuring, and decreasing employee absenteeism will improve employee performance and make your company more successful.
Make Your Company a Great Place to Work
Every manager wants a great workplace they can be proud of. Learn what constitutes a great workplace and more at Monster.
Termination Letter Template
Need to let an employee go? You can use this termination letter template to make a hard conversation easier.
Employees participate in upskilling and reskilling initiatives.
How to Upskill and Reskill Employees
Learn how to upskill and reskill your employees so you can rise to the demands of a changing economy, no matter what it sends your way.
A woman works from home.
How to Deal With Difficult Employees
Knowing how to deal with difficult employees can improve your workplace culture, reduce turnover, and mitigate your liability.

All Employee Performance Evaluation & Management Guides

Affordable Small Business Employee Training Tips
While small business employee training programs are essential, they also can be quite expensive. Here are some affordable options.
How to Avoid the Cost of a Mishire
Hiring can be time-consuming and expensive, but the cost of a mishire can disrupt your entire workplace. Learn how to avoid this costly mistake.
How to Motivate Employees: 5 Tips
Learn how to motivate employees with a mix of high cost, low cost, and no-cost strategies. These tips will help you cultivate better employee engagement.
How to improve your employee development and training programs
An employee development plan is a crucial part of management that will help you keep your employees, and your business, on track.
Employee Motivation: Fear is Not a Motivator
If you think yelling at your employees or instilling fear from the top will motivate your employees, think again. Here's how to really motivate your staff.
5 Ways to Improve Employee Morale
Companies with high employee morale perform better and retain high performers. Here are some best practices to improve morale and your bottom line.
How to Deal With Difficult Employees
Knowing how to deal with difficult employees can improve your workplace culture, reduce turnover, and mitigate your liability.
Be Aware of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
It's absolutely crucial to be aware of sexual harassment in the workplace, which can destroy productivity, hurt your brand, and land you in legal trouble.

Need some help recruiting for a small business?

How can I turn around poor performance?
Inevitably, every manager must determine if, and how, to turn around poor performance in the workplace. Here are some expert tips to help poor performers.
Handling Performance Issues With Grace
Performance issues are part of management, and even your best performers may need a little nudge sometimes. Learn how to handle performance issues with grace and respect at Monster.com.
7 Ways to Improve Work Performance
It’s not just about turning around poor performance—here are 7 ways to improve work performance that will help your company thrive and grow.
How to address poor work performance
Poor work performance, if left unchecked, can cost your business dearly. Learn how to handle poor performance and more at Monster.com.
HR’s Role in Employee Termination
Ultimately the hiring manager is responsible for firing employees, but HR also has an important role. This is a recap of HR's role in employee termination.
Managing Difficult Employees and Avoiding the Spread of Discontent
When it comes to managing difficult employees, it's crucial to face the potentially toxic problem head-on. Monster Hiring Solutions has the answers.
Make Your Company a Great Place to Work
Every manager wants a great workplace they can be proud of. Learn what constitutes a great workplace and more at Monster.
Performance review tips for managers
The performance review is an important opportunity to take stock of your employees' actual contributions. Lean about performance review tips for managers and more at Monster.com.