Sample office assistant interview questions

Rarely is an office assistant in charge of everything, but the best ones could be. They’re smart, efficient, skilled, reliable, and always improving, but, of course, they’re hard to find. During the interview process, everything will come down to what you can learn about your candidates through interview questions.
When you interview for a top-tier office assistant, you need to bring your best interview skills. That means you have to prepare for the interview like your business depends on it — because it could.
Sample interview questions to review skills and experience
Monster has assembled countless interview questions for hundreds of jobs — including office assistants. These sample office assistant interview questions will help you find the right candidate to fill your office assistant opening.
- Tell me about your previous work experience as an office assistant.
- What were your primary responsibilities?
- What type of reporting structure did you work within in previous jobs?
- Have you had experience in maintaining office equipment? If so, what type of products?
- What type of documents and formats have you generated in the past?
- What have you done to improve your skills as office assistant?
- What type of schedule are you looking to work?
- Would you be available to work extra hours if needed?
Once you have the basic information, it’s time to find out what your job candidates are really all about. You need office assistant interview questions that will reveal who will be the best fit for your company.
Question candidates to see if they fit your company culture
Your interview process should also include questions that clarify candidates’ attitudes, which can help you determine whether they’re likely to be a good match for your company culture. Here are some questions you could ask:
- What are your strengths and weaknesses when interacting with co-workers?
- Do you prefer to work with others, or do you work better alone? Why?
- Describe an experience where you felt you did your best on a difficult task.
- Tell me about a complex project you were tasked with completing under deadline.
- Talk about a time when you failed on a task — why was that, and how did you handle it?
The answers to your office assistant interview questions will separate the best job applicants from the rest. If you feel like you’ve found a candidate who you wish could start the job today, that’s a good sign you’ve found your next office assistant.
When it comes to recruiting your workforce, Monster has the tools you need
Not everybody can be a great office assistant. It’s about skills, attitude, and the right fit — a good recipe for anyone joining your company. Building a strong team takes time and effort, but you can have an experienced insider by your side. With expert recruiting insights and the latest information on hiring trends, Monster Hiring Solutions can help you get the workforce you deserve.