Social Media: Recruiting and Hiring

Social media and recruiting is top of mind for many recruiters and hr managers, and for good reason. Learn why some employers are blocking social media at work, while others are busy creating social media employee guidelines. Some are finding social media useful for employee engagement and employee management. Remember that social media can be a useful component in your recruiting and hiring, but only if used properly. In the same way, social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook can be useful tools for recruiting and hiring.
Use these articles to learn more about social media in the workplace, social media and recruiting, social media and hiring, social media trends, online brand management and recruiting strategies that incorporate Twitter and Facebook.
Social Media in the Workplace
Social Media: Is It Time to Hire a Social Media Officer?
Is your company’s social media strategy in need of more direction? Consider how to hire a social media officer.
What to Do When an Employee Violates Your Social Media Policy
Recent cases such as the Facebook firing have stirred debate about social media guidelines. Legal experts weigh in.
The Debate about Blocking Social Media in the Workplace
Some employers are blocking social media access in the workplace. But some debate this approach and argue for access.
Social Media at Work: Enable your Employees to Be Company Advocates
With the right guidelines, your employees can further your company brand using social media at work. Learn more.
Social Media at Work: Six Tips for Developing a Social Media Policy
These best practice tips can help you create a social media policy for your business.
Social Media and Recruiting
Social Media Recruiting: Understanding the Legal Guidelines
Social media is changing recruiting and hiring. Take time to understand the legal parameters.
Use Social Media to Win Clients and Influence the Hiring Process
Social media offers recruiters a competitive advantage in how to present a developed candidate to a hiring manager.
Recruiting using Social Media: How to Turn Candidates into Connections
Chris Ferdinandi looks at using social media to build your employer brand.
The Art of Recruiting with Social Media
The Internet is awash with information about job candidates. Be sure you’re aware of how to use it properly.
Social Media and Hiring: When Potential Hires are Searching YOU
Do you use social media to search on job candidates? It turns out that they’re also searching on you and your company.
Social Media and your Company
Small Business Blogs: Is Blogging Worth It for your Small Business?
Are you contemplating a small business blog for your company? Start with these four attributes.
Social Media and your Company Culture: Three Things Employers Need to Know
Social technology can provide a fuller picture of your company culture.
What to Include in your Social Media Policies and Guidelines
There are many ways to shape your company’s social media policy. Start simple and focus on your primary goal.
Employer Branding and Employee Social Networks: A Social Media Win-Win
Savvy companies support their employees’ use of social networks.
Social Media and Company Culture: Five Things Employers Need to Know
Social technology can provide a fuller picture of your company culture.
Use Social Media to Track the Buzz about your Business
Author David Meerman Scott looks at how to use social media tools to monitor the buzz about your business.
Social Media Secrets for Small Business
Learn to use different platforms, networks and tactics to help drive your small company’s bottom line.
Enhance your Small Business Marketing Strategy with Social Media
Developing a small business social media strategy can be an effective marketing tool.
Social Media Strategies and Trends
The Dragonfly Effect; Social Media Strategies that Innovate
Learn to create social media strategies that cultivate social good, employee morale, customer loyalty and satisfaction.
Social Nation: Harness the Power of Social Media to Drive Engagement
Barry Libert explains why every company should build a social nation of friends.
Social Media Wisdom from the Grateful Dead: Be Yourself
It turns out that the Grateful Dead were early progenitors of savvy social media strategy.
Online Brand Management
Online Brand Management: How to Protect your Company’s Online Identity
Online brand management is crucial in the Internet age. Find out what steps you can take to address misleading information.
Be a Social Media Leader and Influence the Marketplace
Are you ready to be a social media leader? Author Paul Chaney advises that you be a responsible influencer.
Twitter and Facebook
Listen In: Ten Top Employment Bloggers to Follow on Twitter
Twitter has quickly become a forum for HR and recruiting bloggers. Check out the top employment bloggers.
Twitter and Engagement: Practical Recruiting Strategies
Looking for fresh ways to attract job candidates? Twitter chats provide a new avenue to connect with prospective candidates.
Join the Twitter Conversation about HR Best Practices
Interested in joining the Twitter conversation but not sure how to get started? These tips will help.
Facebook for Employers: Make Friends, Not Fans
Despite its popularity, Facebook remains a recruiting conundrum. The reason is often due to a lack of engagement.