154 search results for flexible work

Monster Poll: How Employees Feel About Wages and the Cost of Living
According to a recent Monster poll, 81% of workers said their current wage has not kept up with the rising cost of living.
Company Culture & Employee Relations
5 Low-Cost Ways to Support Employees During Inflation
Here’s how to help employees weather difficult financial times due to inflation without spending beyond your means.
How the Right Employer Branding Can Help Curb “New Job Jitters”
While it’s normal for a new hire to feel nervous for their first day of work, there are some actions employers can take to help.
Is quiet quitting really about boundaries?
More than half of U.S. workers say they’re quiet quitters, but is it quiet quitting, or are you expecting too much?
Company Culture & Employee Relations
How to Create an Employee Feedback Survey
Here's how to create an effective employee feedback survey and use the information to recruit and retain top talent.
What impact will unionization have on your hiring strategy?

Labor unions are nothing new. Efforts at unionization date back centuries but became popular in the late 1800s and early 1900s when workers were forced to work more than 8 hours a day, over 40 hours a week for little pay, no benefits, and zero time off. Despite improvements in working conditions, fewer workers (just 10.7%)…

Employee Performance Evaluation & Management
How to Create an Effective Absence Management System
Here's how to create an absence management system that will help you save time, stay organized, and reduce absenteeism.
Monster CEO Scott Gutz: Competition for Talent Will Increase in 2022
Monster's CEO Scott Gutz talks about increased competition for talent and the race to fill roles left vacant after the Great Resignation.
Top 5 Hiring Trends for 2022
Want the latest hiring insights? Here are five top hiring trends this year, along with data and expert tips from Monster to keep ahead of the curve.
Corner Office Q&A: Joanie Bily
RemX's Joanie Bily shares her insights on today's incredibly tight labor market and what needs to happen to make change happen.