How to Screen Candidates

Learn how to screen candidates, including how to conduct a phone screen, reference-checking tips, and tricks for sorting applications.

Featured How to Screen Candidates Guides

A team conducts a peer interview.
The Value of Peer-to-Peer Interviewing for Hiring and Retention
These peer interview tips can help you find the right candidates, making your team and company more successful.
A diverse workforce gathering around a work station, talking and smiling.
How to Avoid Unconscious Bias in Hiring
How do you eliminate bias from your hiring process if you don’t know it’s there? These seven steps can help you avoid unconscious bias in hiring.
A technician working with samples at a lab that performs pre-employment drug screenings.
Setting Up a Pre-Employment Drug Testing Policy
Learn what you need to know before implementing an up-to-date pre-employment drug testing policy in a rapidly changing landscape.
Four things to know when hiring a consumer reporting agency
When it comes to hiring, background checks can narrow the field, but it's important to understand the rules that apply when you use a consumer reporting agency. Get more information on this and similar topics by checking out
How to Close the Job Skills Gap With Your Hiring Process
These five steps can help you close the job skills gap at your organization so you have the right team in place to be successful.
A hiring manager conducts resume screening to identify top candidates.
7 Top Resume Screening Tips
Here are seven easy tips for improving your resume screening process so you can hire top talent for your team faster.

All How to Screen Candidates Guides

7 Expert-Recommended Tips for Hiring People
These best practices for hiring people will help you recruit qualified candidates who will make your company stronger.
7 Top Applicant Screening Tips
These top applicant screening tips will help you recruit top candidates faster, making your business more successful.

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