Access an untapped talent pool of 10M+ veteran members and easily translate their skills into civilian experience.
Access an untapped talent pool of 10M+ veteran members and easily translate their skills into civilian experience.
Access the community of more than 10 million highly skilled and diverse members to recruit veterans that are actively seeking opportunities in your industry.
What is was founded by a veteran who wanted to be able to navigate the world of defense information and benefits in a more streamlined and efficient way. Today we honor that goal by always remembering who we serve and why.
We make it easy to translate military experience into civilian terminology to effectively hire veterans for the right roles, fast.
Our Military Skills Translator helps demystify military occupations by presenting plain language information about the skills and experiences presented by a veteran candidate, relevant to a specific role.
Promote your employer brand message and job postings in high visibility banner advertising, email newsletters and social ads to engage and recruit veteran candidates.